1. Elite Map Instruction
Elite Map is a new feature of the discovery of the New World. The elite map button will show up when you level at 100. You can enter the elite map by click the campaign button, and then there will be a sub-button called elite map, click it. The elite map is different from the common campaign. In elite maps, the NPC will reset every day at 5.a.m server time, it means if you defeat a troop of Dark Sherwood Forest, it will reset to undefeated state tomorrow. The elite maps drop different kind of chests, from which players can get white and green Jewels.
1. Dark Sherwood Forest

This map is the Dark version of Sherwood Forest, in this map, players can choose to defeat Vanguard III firstly to get a buff (+10% attack and defense), which is very helpful for players to sweep all the other NPC, of course, if you are strong enough, you can choose to go straight to Dark Robin Hood. Players can get white chest from this map, the white chest may contain a Pearl Pendant, a Jeweled Amulet, a Glimmering Bond or an Unadorned Cord.
2. Dark Holy Crusades

This map is the Dark version of Holy Crusades, in this map, after defeating outpost I, players can go straight to attack vanguard III, which can save several banners, but vanguard III very tough, so we don’t suggest you choosing this way if you are not strong enough. You can choose to attack outpost II firstly. Players can get Dim green chest from this map, the dim green chest may contain a Pendant of Sanity, a Clasp of Discipline, a Ring of Calm or a Crystalsong Belt.